Used stamps and bras!  These are some of the things that we can recycle for funds for the charity.  We like to look for some of the more unusual items to collect and I’m sure you didn’t expect to find bras in the list. Any other unusual items you can suggest for recycling?

Please contact us for details of how to get these items to us. Ask us to send you postage labels that will help.


What do we do with them?  Find out more through the logo.

Donate a Bra pic

Unwanted Gifts

You can donate to us for raffles, tombolas, to sell at events or on eBay.

Donation Wanted  (donations wanted for recycling)

Yes to the items in green.

Postage Stamps
Foreign Coins
Milk bottle tops only– any colour
Plastic tubs that have a 5 or PP in the recycling triangle
Old Sheets/bedding & single duvets
Old Towels
All types of clothing, bras and shoes.

Please note that we no longer collect crisp packets. Do not send them to us anymore. Thanks.

No to the items in red

Please send items to our Wishaw address ONLY.

We are no longer at our coffee shop in Hamilton and have not been for a couple of years now. Please DO NOT send anything to the coffee shop address as we will not receive them. Thank you.

Please use the form below to contact us.