Don’t think it has to cash all the time although we happy to receive lots of it, of course, hence our Donate button on the screen.  However, you can donate in other ways too.

We have other pages dedicated to different forms of fundraising such as recycling, our wish list and organising your own fundraising events but here we’ll add to the various ways to donate money and items.

General Donations

General donations via our button or cheques & cash.  Straight forward Gift Aid.

Whenever you donate please let us know if you are a tax payer as we can claim back tax on your donation if you allow us to.  Please let us know if we can Gift Aid your donation against your name.

Will, Legacies, Bequests
and Trusts

If you wish to remember us and for us to remember you in a special way, you could leave us a legacy, remembering us in your will.  It might not be the cheeriest thought to approach but real nonetheless. If you have or thinking of making a will, speak to your solicitor about the best way to leave a legacy.

Leaving a gift to charity in your will keeps your money working toward the causes that are important to you..

Have a look at The Big Give for more help.

Gifts In Kind

Particularly, although not exclusively, aimed at business, entrepreneurs, consultants, universities and professionals.
You can donate products, services, advice and time without charge, whether it be providing us with promotional tools, uniforms or vehicles to designing and building our new training village.  There are no limits or boundaries on this one.  Get in touch with your offers and ideas and find out what we could do for you.

GAYE – Give As you Earn

Quite a bit to say in here so best leave it to someone else to explain how it works for companies, individuals and for charities:

Find Out More About GAYE   (